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Community Events

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Our most important mission is to teach children history in a way that reflects respect of ancestors and the experience they endured; and to communicate that experience with respect at all times.

Congratulations to the winners of the GLOBAL JOURNEY SCHOLAR AWARD who demonstrated great respect and honor to their family, community and ancestors in their works.

Precious Foreman (Middle School Award)
Jewel Foreman (High School Award)

They will each receive a $500 American Express gift card and a Global Journey Scholar Certificate. 

Angel Harriott, President 
Global Journey for Children

Global Journey Scholar 

Kunta Kinte Heritage will commemorate the day Kunta Kinte and 97 other enslaved people were kidnapped and brought to Annapolis, Maryland aboard the ship Lord Ligonier in 1767. Despite many years in bondage, he never lost his commitment and loyalty to his African heritage. This demonstration of love of self and culture symbolizes the continual perseverance of all ethnic groups to preserve their cultural heritage today.

We will proudly announce the Global Journey Scholar winner on Saturday during the 31st Annual Kunta Kinte Heritage Festival. The community will pay homage to Kunta Kinte and the cultural traditions of his home in West Africa. 

This year's theme is based on: 

"The Intersection of African History and STEAM"TM 
Series: Journey to the Sea Islands:  Gullah Geechee Good!

        Global Journey Scholars:

Research. Learn. Write. Grow. Share 

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GJFC prepares students for the journey.  Pack your passport and go!

Virtual Launch:

The Global Journey for Children Summer Enrichment Program:

"The Intersection of African History and STEAM"TM 

Series: Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History Culture and Contributions

GJFC introduced it's signature program, "The Intersection of African History and STEAMTM" based on the book, Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions.  Students studied the influence of ancient civilizations on today's societies by participating in an array of STEAM activities and virtual tours.  The GJFC Instructors and members of its Professional Network shared engaging content and projects to enhance students' online learning experiences. 


Students will complete The GJFC Family Tree Project presentations at the end of the summer session; and, they will share artifacts of significance from their families that highlights familial and cultural identity, stories and influences.  


The village and the learning continues.....  


CONTACT US if you are interested in a virtual program.




            Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!

Jordan_William_Global Journey Scholar -J
Paula Ann receives Global Journey for Ch

Global Journey Scholar- Jamaica 
Research: Louise Bennett Coverley [Jamaican Folklorist, Poet, Educator and Philip Emeagwali [African Computer Scientist]

Global Journey for Children Micro-Environmentalist Certificate

Climate warming is a threat to many sea islands and countries. Students learned to take personal responsibility for the planet.

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Global Journey for Children - Caribbean Partnership:

"The Intersection of African History and STEAM"TM 

                     We are all connected!



Students in Jamaica participated in a new program hosted by Global Journey for Children Inc. [GJFC] in collaboration with their teachers to expand knowledge about African history, cultural identity and global connections. 


GJFC introduced elementary school children to the study of African innovators, inventors, scientists and mathematicians through its signature program and curriculum based on the book, Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions. The staff customized the curriculum to focus on computer technology and science.  Students were provided with activities that enabled them to learn more about data and web development.  They were given assignments that introduced the importance of climate and sustainability, maintaining family traditions, understanding the correlation between Africa. African Jamaican and African American culture, common threads and respecting everyone's cultural identity.  Prior to traveling to the school, students at our US partner school created a video and wrote letters to share with their Caribbean brothers and sisters.


Students were excited to receive books for their library and other educational resources, including a new computer to enhance technology and classroom instruction.  GJFC would like to support them by providing additional books for the library and books they can take home to continue reading and learning.


If you would like to support this initiative, please learn more about how you can donate.  We would appreciate educational resources, such as books appropriate for elementary and middle school students.  All donations will be distributed to schools in Jamaica, Maryland and Washington, DC.  



            Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!


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Overview of Charleston, SC

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Gullah Geechee Corridor

Back for its 3rd year: 

The Global Journey for Children Summer Enrichment Program:

"The Intersection of African History and STEAM"TM 

Series: Journey to the Sea Islands:  Gullah Geechee Good!



Elementary and middle school students will participate in a unique interactive summer enrichment program where they will learn about African American history through literary arts, creative arts and crafts, music and STEM activities based on the book by Angel Harriott, Journey to the Sea Islands:  Gullah Geechee Good!


Students will receive a copy of the book and engage with professionals in the GJFC Mentoring Network for hands on experiences that fosters appreciation of diversity and provides greater understanding of the culture and contributions of Gullah people, Native Americans and African Americans.  They will also discuss climate and sustainability and explore the important role they have in their personal health and the health of our planet.


Hosted by:  The Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis & Eastport Community Center


Thank you to the Maryland State Arts Council's Creativity Grant program! To discover more about MSAC and how they impact Maryland, visit


We appreciate the support of our community partners who are instrumental in helping us to make the program a great success for Maryland students!  SANKOFA!







            Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!


Contact us to host a program:  Global Journey for Children, Inc.  Email:     Phone:301.910.7396


Charleston, SC Author's Event


                            Author Book Talk and Panel Discussion:

                               Representation and Inclusivity in Children's and Young Adult Literature

                           Join authors Joyce Hansen and Angel Harriott and CCPL’s own librarian Deborah Wheeler

                           in a discussion of diversity and inclusion in books for children and teens.


                           Main Library, 68 Calhoun Street, Charleston, South Carolina

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Global Journey for Children supporting Earth Month with Brownie and Daisy Troops at the Museum         


We all know the importance of taking care of our environment.  Teaching children about preserving the earth and how to plant vegetables and flowering gardens helps them to learn how they can do their part.  It also helps them to learn about planting foods for life.  


Students worked in teams to clean the environment and plant new flowers and vegetables.  Now we sit back and wait for the harvest!  Go Brownies and Daisies!  




Remember:  Turn off lights, conserve energy, plant trees, and recycle

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Global Journey hosts 1st Annual Collington Station Community Black History Program for Youth          


Students residing in Collington Station were invited to participate in an afternoon of community engagement, learning and sharing around the topic of Black History.  They participated in an interactive session during an author's reading of the new book, Journey to the Sea Island:  Gullah Geechie Good! written by Angel Harriott.  Students shared a family artifact, discussed the importance of maintaining family traditions, understanding the correlation between African and African American culture, and respecting everyone's cultural identity.  


Each student received a copy of the newly published book and participated in a guided paint and sip session where they created an artistic expression of gullah culture.  This program was provided through the generous sponsorship provided by the Collington Station HOA and CSRA.   

            Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!

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After School Black History Program at the Museum: 

Journey to Nubia and Kemet: Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions           



Middle and elementary school students participated in an interactive 3 week after school program where they learned about African history through art, music, dialogue and theater based on the book, Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions.  Each student received a free book and workbook through a generous grant provided for their participation in this cultural program sponsored by the Chesapeake Children's Museum and generous grants from Anne Arundel Recreation and Parks and Anne Arundel Arts Council. 


Students were taught about the contributions of Africans and African Americans and to appreciate and respect the contributions of all people.  Students presented a program finale to share their knowledge with the community.  Sankofa! 

            Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!

ASALH 93rd Annual Black History Luncheon

             & Featured Authors Event

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                   Book  Signing, Saturday

The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) hosted its 93rd Annual Black History Luncheon and Featured Authors Event at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC. This year's theme, "Black Migrations“.   

emphasizes “400 Years of Perseverance,” in order to capture a history more expansive than enslavement, however. The four centuries bear witness to migration as countless stories of a past left behind and a future full of hope for a world free from racial discrimination. This longstanding, steady perseverance includes many actors: some escaping from slavery or emigrating to Africa, some moving from farm to city in the South or to the West after emancipation; others seeking employment in the North in the twentieth century or returning to the South in the twenty-first century; and not least of all those who came to the United States from the Caribbean, South America, Africa, and many other places.


In her book, Journey to the Sea Islands:  Gullah Geechie Good! Angel Harriott highlights the experience of captured Africans and their journey from West Africa to the Caribbean and the Sea Islands of Charleston, SC among other places and through periods of migration after Emancipation.  Learn More

Global Journey Science and Cultural Enrichment ProgramTM    



Global Journey for Children held its 2nd Annual Summer Science and Cultural Enrichment Program in Prince George's County, Maryland.  


The annual 5 week summer program is an educational and highly engaging program that teaches students in elementary through high school about African history and STEM based on the curriculum from the textbook, "Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions.   


The mission is to stimulate and inspire students to want to know more about who they are, where they came from, what their potential is through career exploration and how they can restore greatness within their communities.  During the 5 week program, the Global Journey Professional Network members share their expertise to expose students to a wide variety of STEM educational fields through interactive presentations, classroom activities and lecture. 


During week one, Global Journey's Professional Network members from the University of the District of Columbia's Engineering Department  demonstrated electrical engineering concepts. (See photos to the left) 




                Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!


Featured Network Member:  University of the District of Columbia

Global Journey for Children's MentorMe Program



Global Journey for Children hosted its MentorMe Career Exploration Day program for elementary school students in Washington, DC.  


This event offers students a highly interactive and engaging day of activities and information from Global Journey's Professional Network of Master Teachers.  The curriculum for the program is based on the curriculum from the textbook, "Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions.   


The mission is to stimulate and inspire students to want to know more about who they are, where they came from, what their potential is through career exploration and how they can restore greatness within their communities.  Global Journey Professional Network members share their expertise to expose students to a wide variety of occupations, industries and opportunities for entrepreneurship. 


During the May event, Global Journey's Professional Network members from Bowie State University's Engineering Department demonstrated engineering and robotics concepts. (See photos to the left)





                 Global Journey Professional Network:

Educating students today for their futures tomorrow!


Featured Network Member:  Bowie State University


ASALH 92nd Annual Black History Luncheon

             & Featured Authors Event

Book  Signing

ASALH 2018 Featured Author
Angel Harriott

Journey to Nubia & Kemet:

Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions

The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) hosted a sold out 92nd Annual Black History Luncheon and Featured Authors Event at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington, DC. The 2018 theme, “African Americans in Times of War,” commemorates the centennial of the end of the First World War in 1918, and explores the complex meanings and implications of this international struggle and its aftermath. The First World War was initially termed by many as “The Great War,” “The War to End All Wars,” and the war “to make the world safe for democracy.” 


The theme suggests that contemporary conditions, past and present, give us cause for critical pause in our studies and deliberations to consider the specific and unique issues faced by African Americans in times of war.  Read More


In her book, Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions, Angel Harriott highlighted some Africans from ancient civilizations who led during times of war, including both women and men.

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Teaching Africa Day


Global Journey for Children was honored to be selected to participate in  Teaching Africa Day.  


The annual Teaching Africa Day event is an educational and entertaining showcase of hands-on and interactive resources to teach young children about African heritage, through play and the arts.


The goal is to provide a collective platform for vendors with the best quality books, videos, games, programs and other resources that teach about Africa and African heritage.  During this event, educators, authors, leaders, artists and the community share what we've learned from Africa and African traditions. 


We were honored to have a presentation and display of African artifacts from the Library of Congress and young artists from Kuumba Kids who performed and sang in Swahili!


Hosted at the Silver Spring Civic Center
Silver Spring, Maryland


47th Annual  Congressional Black Caucus

Angel Harriott, Author

Featured author in the 47th Annual Congressional Black Caucus 


The CBCF Annual Legislative Conference (ALC) is the leading policy conference on issues impacting African Americans and the global black community. Thought leaders, legislators and concerned citizens engage on economic development, civil and social justice, public health and education issues. More than 9,000 people attend 70 public policy forums and much more to engage with subject experts, industry leaders, elected officials and citizen activists to explore today’s issues from an African-American perspective.


Hosted at the Washington Conventional Center
Washington, DC


Global Journey Summer Camp Launch

Global Journey for Children launched its first summer enrichment program.  


The theme of our camp was "The Intersection of African History and STEM Technology".  During workshops dedicated to instruction from the book, "Journey to Nubia and Kemet: Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions, students participated in a variety of activities based in African traditions, exercises in character and global citizenship development, engaged in lectures and presentations by world renown cultural historians; researched and reported on their ancestral history, participated in an educational historical field trip of Washington, DC; and, had an opportunity to view an expedition which led to the archaeological finding of an African priest. They also learned about careers in a variety of occupations and entrepreneurship.  Students demonstrated knowledge acquired by participating in an exciting game competition.  If you are interested in participating in GJFC, Inc. camp programs, contact us!


Hosted at Prince George's Community College
Largo, Maryland


Juneteenth:  Prince George's County Park and Planning - Free Event

Global Journey for Children Community Event

Global Journey for Children was an exhibitor at the Juneteenth Event. I discussed the book and signed copies of "Journey to Nubia and Kemet:  Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions".


Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. Marking the date that the last enslaved people learned of their freedom, the month of June and the nineteenth day were combined to form the word Juneteenth. From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of June 19th as the African American Emancipation Day has spread across the United States and beyond. Juneteenth is an official holiday recognized in over 43 states and the District of Columbia.


Walker Mill Regional Park
8840 Walker Mill Road
District Heights, MD 20747


Keynote Speaker
Dr. Christyl Johnson 
Deputy  Director for Technology & Research Investments

Solar Competition

"The Martian Frontier"

Global Journey for Children participated at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center where students competed in a Patriot Technology Training Center's SOLAR Competition to demonstrate their interest and knowledge in astronomy. During the event, GJFC staff taught students that Africans in Kemet were among the first civilizations to study the constellations.  They were interested in the planets and stars and eventually developed the world's first calendar.  


 "Survival Strategy Video Game Set on Mars"
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

 20th Annual Youth Summit

"Securing the STEM Pipeline"


I met students with their parents and signed copies of Journey books at the 20th Annual Youth Summit. 


Securing the STEM Pipeline - 20th Annual Youth Summit
 "Cyber Security Careers"
Bowie State University Student Center

Global Journey for Children, Inc.

Summer Science and Cultural Enrichment Program

"The Intersection of African History and STEM"

Five-Week  STEM Summer Camp.  Global Journey for Children, Inc. was excited to join the Summer Camp Program.  


The Journey Summer Program is portable.  We participated in an exciting STEM camp which ran six hours daily 8:00 am - 2:00 pm. It was an excellent opportunity for students to receive in-depth knowledge about technology. This year, summer camp participants learned about African history, early inventors of technology, how archaeologists use technology to uncover information about artifacts recently discovered and they participated in field trips.


Hosted by Prince George's Community College

Roots Public Charter School PTA & Student Recital

Book Discussion & Book Signing

The Roots Public Charter School uses the stellar curriculum and program of the Roots Activity Learning Center as a model for academic achievement.  Roots Activity Learning Center is a successful independent African Centered School which has a leading reputation for academic achievement.  The Roots Public Charter School is nationally accredited by the Middle School Commission on Elementary Schools and the Commission on International and Trans-Regional Accreditation.


Founder and Principal:  Dr. Bernida Thompson

Vice Principal:  Rasheki Kuykendall

15 Kennedy Street, NW * Washington, DC

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