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About the Author

Sya-Angel Harriott


       "This book is the first in a series for my family, ancestors and communities of people around the globe.  The theme of the series is Sankofa:  going back to move forward; reconnecting, and rebuilding relationships with who we are.  It is a resource that can be used as a part of an inclusive curriculum developed with consideration for everyone’s historical and cultural identity and contributions to society.  The book may be used as a resource in history and social studies courses in the United States of America’s school systems and other countries."
       In an effort to learn more about African history and her ancestral heritage, the author delved into the historical and archaeological works of many world renown historians and scientists.  She engaged cultural historians who have undertaken the task of researching and unveiling African history for over 30 years to learn the truth about the African experience prior to enslavement.   Based on their findings, the author chose to pen a textbook for students to share this history as a source of education, understanding and empowerment.
       In this first volume of the series, Journey to Nubia and Kemet: Exploring African History, Culture and Contributions, Harriott uses a compilation of research from noted historians, such as Anthony Browder and Dr. Asa Hilliard, to tell the story of people of African ancestry who were forced to migrate to many countries, including the USA, the Caribbean and Brazil.  Volume 1 begins to detail the origin, journey and some contributions that highlight the story of Africans while living in their homelands of Nubia and Kemet and their influence throughout the world.  She traveled abroad to capture photographs of artifacts from ancient Egypt to include as visual aids for students. 
       Harriott’s goal is to use the book as a resource to educate students and to further advance the concept of global citizenship and mutual respect at a young age.  She would like the book to be a resource for public and private school curriculum to promote cultural awareness. Harriott attended her first choice institution, a Historically Black College & University (HBCU) school, Howard University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree; and, she later pursued a Masters Degree in Clinical Counseling with a Psychotherapy specialization from another great HBCU, Bowie State University. She holds degrees and licensure in counseling psychology and works with higher education institutions, nonprofit associations and corporations across various industries and occupations.  Harriott was a member of the Senior Experts' Group established by the, Director-General of the United National Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization  (UNESCO) to rethink education in a world of rapid transformation, which produced the publication, Rethinking Education, 2015.  As Associate Director for a national education association, Harriott facilitated awareness and implementation of competency based learning initiatives in colleges and universities, nationally. She is a child and family mental health therapist providing clinical services for students in K-12.
Angel Harriott Proclamation

Angel Harriott Proclamation

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